Mini Meditation Retreat

Mini Meditation Retreat

Sat, Feb 26 | 10AM–1PM

with Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Tsoglam

A Guide for the Path

In these uncertain times many are struggling with all the difficulty and suffering around us. What is a meaningful response? Where do we turn? Is there anything reliable we can count on? We are longing for a solution, a method, a path… to where?

Enlightenment is an inner destination. One we have never reached before, despite our unending and exhausting search for peace, real happiness, and purpose.

If we wish to make this spiritual journey, we need a guide. Someone to help us develop our wisdom and minds of faith that see beyond our ordinary world and limited sense of self. We need an inspiring example of what’s possible for us with this life — the skillful guidance of a qualified Spiritual Guide ​who can help us make swift progress in our spiritual training.

In the retreat we will understand how to develop confidence in a Spiritual Guide, why having a teacher is central to our progress, and how to correctly practice reliance on a Spiritual Guide.

Led by Gen Kelsang Tsoglam, Buddhist nun and Resident Teacher. This retreat includes a brief teaching, guided meditation, and time for Q&A.

Everyone is welcome!


Student, Senior –$15

Included in FP Membership

About the Teacher

Gen Kelsang Tsoglam, Resident Teacher

Gen Tsoglam has been studying and practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years. Her heartfelt and practical teachings are presented with warmth and humor in a way that encourages us to practice them in daily life.

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