Meditate With Us

Discover how meditation and community can help you on your journey.

Everyone Welcome


Learn practical skills for a calmer, happier life.

Atisha Kadampa Buddhist Center is located in the Fox Point neighborhood of Providence. We offer meditation and modern Buddhism for all levels of experience.

You’ll feel welcome at any weekly class, retreat, or special event. We’re here as a place of refuge and to support you on your path.

Meditation. No experience needed. Everybody Welcome

Featured Classes


Whether you’re new to meditation or looking to improve your practice, our weekly meditation classes are suitable for all levels of experience. Join us for teaching, guided meditation, discussion, and Q&A.

Featured Events

What If You Are What You’re Looking For?

Saturday, October 19 | 10am–11:30am

With Resident Teacher Anika Trancik

Meditation is so much more than only a means of relaxing and de-stressing. As taught by Buddha it is the primary tool for exploring our mind and how our mind creates our reality. Skillful meditation takes us right into the deeper nature of our being where we discover our own natural source of peace and happiness, our Buddha nature. Learning to recognize, access and nurture that pure potential is what the spiritual path is all about.

In this course, through talks, guided meditations and discussion, we will learn how to effectively access and begin to nurture that spiritual dimension of our being. It turns out that we have the potential not just to fulfill our own yearning for real and lasting happiness, but also to be able to bring that happiness into the lives of others.

Upcoming Events

October 25 – November 1


The Gateway to Highest Yoga Tantra

Offered in-person and online (see booking website for details)

with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa


As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche explains in Modern Buddhism, the gateway through which we enter Tantra is receiving a Tantric empowerment. This bestows upon us special blessings that heal our mental continuum and awaken our Buddha nature. In this Festival Gen-la Dekyong will grant the empowerments of the principal Deities of Highest Yoga Tantra – Heruka and Vajrayogini – and introduce their essential practices.

This is a rare and wonderful opportunity to receive from Gen-la Dekyong the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments and teachings of Heruka and Vajrayogini according to the Ganden Oral Lineage, which is the special heart treasure of her Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Everybody Welcome