Sunday Meditation Class

Sunday Mornings


With Resident Teacher Anika Trancik

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems

 In this class series, we will explore the text, Modern Buddhism. Modern Buddhism is a special presentation of Buddha’s teachings on compassion and wisdom that communicates their essence in a way that is easy to understand and put into practice. 

by developing and maintaining compassion and wisdom in daily life, we can transform our lives, improve our relationships with others, and look behind appearances to see the way things actually exist. In this way we can solve all our dialy problems and accomplish the real meaning of human life. with compassion and wisdom, like the two wings of a bird, we can quickly reach the enlightened world of a Buddha. 

This inspiring handbook of daily practice is perfectly suited for those seeking solutions within Buddhism to problems of everyday life. 

Each class includes a teaching and two guided meditations. No experience is needed and you don’t need to be a Buddhist. Everyone is welcome!



Student, Senior–$5/class


February 2nd: The way things really are

Buddha said that all phenomena are mere appearances to mind, totally dependent on the minds that perceive them. Their ultimate nature is emptiness. How can we understand this, and what does it mean for us?

February 9th: *Cancelled* due to Parking Ban as a result of winter weather

When we become familiar with meditation on the emptiness of the body, our grasping at our body will be reduced, we will experience far less suffering, anxiety and frustration in relation to our body, our physical tension will diminish and our health will improve, 

February 16th: Mind is the nature of emptiness

By contemplating, ‘All phenomena that appear to my mind are the nature of my mind. My mind is the nature of emptiness,’ we will eventually gain an undefiled wisdom that directly realizes the emptiness of all phenomena.

February 23rd: How to stop grasping at I

The object we grasp at most strongly is our self or I. By understanding and meditating on the emptiness of our I, this grasping will reduce and eventually cease altogether. Then we will be permanently free from all suffering.


Student, Senior–$5/class

Monthly Membership

If you’ve been coming regularly, consider becoming a monthly member for $40/month. General Program Membership entitles you to unlimited access to all weekly meditation classes.