Wednesday Meditation Class

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully

Wednesdays | 6:30 – 8 pm | In-person

With Resident Teacher, Anika Trancik

Cost | $10 per class | FREE for Members. 

Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully 

During our Wednesday drop-in class we will take a profound look at the key importance of correct death awareness and how this, drives, fuels, and inspires spiritual development and leads to peace and happiness for self and others here and now.

These teachings are suitable for everyone and apply directly to the demands of our daily life. With spiritual development, we find direction, purpose, hope and meaning.

 Each class is self-contained and can be attended individually.  

March 5th – What is death? 

March 12th – What will make us truly happy? 

March 19th – What will benefit others most? 

March 26th – And when this life is over, what will help us then?


Student, Senior–$5/class

Monthly Membership

If you’ve been coming regularly, consider becoming a monthly member for $40/month. General Program Membership entitles you to unlimited access to all weekly meditation classes.