Mahamudra Retreat
Special Retreat

*HYBRID: In-person and online
Saturday, January 22 | 10AM–3PM
with Gen Kelsang Tsoglam
Ocean of Peace
Training in the deepest levels of mental peace
Mental peace is the result of meditation. Through training in meditation, our mental busy-ness and inner distractions begin to subside, making our mind calm and still. Abiding within this deep experience of inner peace, there are no disturbing thoughts, no pain, no worry, no anger, no conflict, and no fear. A sense of happiness and well-being naturally arises from within.
This way of training in Mahamudra is very special. Its temporary purpose is to make our mind progressively more subtle and therefore more peaceful. It also functions to reduce our delusions, such as anger and attachment, so that we can solve many of our daily problems. The ultimate aim of this training, however, is to eventually realize our continuously residing mind directly, and attain enlightenment quickly.
By accessing the pure, clear nature of our mind, we gain the freedom to respond to our daily life in the most constructive possible manner.
Sessions include Heart Jewel Prayers and guided meditation.
Led by Gen Kelsang Tsoglam, Buddhist nun and Resident Teacher. Includes a brief teaching, guided meditation, and time for Q&A. Suitable for those with some experience of Kadampa Buddhism.
Everyone is welcome!
Student / Senior / FP member— $15

About the Teacher
Gen Kelsang Tsoglam, Resident Teacher Gen Tsoglam has been studying and practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years. Her heartfelt and practical teachings are presented with warmth and humor in a way that encourages us to practice them in daily life.
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