Ancient Wisdom for

Modern Problems

Friday Mornings | 9—10AM

with Kadampa Teachers, Katherine Brown and Rita Kenahan

Classes include a short teaching and guided meditation. Everyone is welcome.

The Little Compton Wellness Center
115 E Main Rd, LC, RI 02837
Ph 401-592-0400


Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems

We have the potential to free ourselves from all our problems, but ​we ​first​ need to ​identify them ​correctly​.​

To solve our human problems and enable us to find everlasting peace and happiness, Buddha gave the most profound teachings for us to use as practical advice. His teachings are known as ‘Dharma’, which means supreme protection from suffering. Dharma is the actual method to solve our human problems. To understand this, first we should consider what is the real nature of our problems and what are their main causes.

Our problems do not exist outside our mind. The real nature of our problems is our unpleasant feelings, which are part of our mind. 

Each class includes a teaching and guided meditation. No experience is needed and you don’t need to be a Buddhist. Everyone is welcome!



Little Compton Class


Adult—$10 | Student & Senior—$5

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