Mini Meditation Retreat

Saturday, March 13 | 9:30AM–1PM
with Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Tsoglam
Learning from Our Dreams
Our dreams may be blissful, mundane, or even frightening, but they can also be meaningful. Buddha’s teachings show us how to use dream experiences to gain important insights into our life.
Through understanding and realizing the dream-like nature of reality, we can solve our problems, reduce our fears, and experience lasting peace and happiness.
Join us to learn about Buddhist teachings and meditations for seeing the dreaming mind as a spiritual teacher.
Led by Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Tsoglam. Each session includes a brief teaching, guided meditation, and Q&A. Suitable for all levels of experience.
9:30–10:30am Session 1*
10:45–11:45am Session 2
12–1pm Session 3
*Newcomers are strongly encouraged to attend the first session.
Everyone is welcome!
FP Members, Student, Senior–$15
Registration Now Open!

About the Teacher
Gen Kelsang Tsoglam, Resident Teacher
Gen Tsoglam has been studying and practicing Kadampa Buddhism for many years. Her heartfelt and practical teachings are presented with warmth and humor in a way that encourages us to practice them in daily life.