Chanted Prayers & Dedications


Chanted Prayers

Chanted Prayers are special group meditations (sometimes called pujas) that are an aspect of training in a spiritual life. They help us to still our mind, connect with the Buddhas, and receive the inspiring energy of blessings.

We offer regular weekly prayers and other pujas held on special days of the month. Gathering together to make prayers creates many causes for increased peace in our world.

All chanted meditations are in person only and free. Everyone is welcome!

Weekly Prayers


Heart Jewel Prayers

Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 pm

Heart Jewel is the heart essence of Kadampa Buddhism and many Kadampas do these prayers as part of their daily practice. Buddhas or enlightened beings can appear or emanate as anything, and especially as teachers and as protectors; and in this practice we pray to and rely upon the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri in both these ways.


Wishfulfilling Jewel Prayers

Thursdays 5:15-6:15 pm 

This prayer includes two practices. The first is a special Guru Yoga in which we visualize our Spiritual Guide as Je Tsongkhapa (to purify negativity, accumulate merit and receive blessings) and the second practice is a method for relying upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden (to overcome obstacles to our practice and create favourable conditions and increase our Dharma realizations).

These two practices are the very essence of the New Kadampa Tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. If we practise them regularly and sincerely, we shall reap a rich harvest of pure Dharma realizations, and eventually come to experience the supreme joy of full enlightenment.

Green Tara Chanted Prayers

Monthly on the 8th | Check Calendar for Time


Tara Chanted Prayers
Please join us as we recite beautiful prayers to Buddha Tara together.

On the 8th of every month, we have the opportunity to join together as a community to enjoy Tara prayers. Tara is female Buddha who is the manifestation of the ultimate wisdom of all the Buddhas. Through our connection with Buddha Tara, she will provide us with all of the necessary conditions for our growth along our spiritual path.

Free and open to the entire community.  Everyone is WELCOME, No previous experience necessary.


Offering to Spiritual Guide

Monthly on the 10th & 25th| Check Calendar for Time

This is a special Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa in conjunction with Highest Yoga Tantra that is a preliminary practice for Vajrayana Mahamudra. The main practice is relying upon our Spiritual Guide as a Buddha and making praises and requests, but it also includes all the essential practices of the stages of the path and training the mind, as well as both the generation stage and completion stage of Highest Yoga Tantra. By relying upon Je Tsongkhapa our compassion, wisdom, and spiritual power naturally increase.

We engage in Offering to the Spiritual Guide prayers on the 10th and 25th of every month. Participants are welcome to bring a vegetarian food offering.


November 24, 2024  | 1:00 pm2:00 pm

Powa means “transference of consciousness” and this traditional prayer ceremony is done on behalf of those who have recently died. Through doing Powa Ceremony prayers with faith, compassion and concentration we can transfer the consciousness of those who are in the death process or recently deceased to a fortunate higher rebirth or to the Pure Land of a Buddha, where they will attain permanent liberation from suffering and experience pure and everlasting happiness. To add a recently deceased loved one to the powa dedications list use the form below.

Request for Prayers

Prayers are a powerful way to help others who are experiencing mental or physical suffering. To request prayers for someone, please complete the form below.

It’s helpful if you can include at least a first name.

Request for Prayers

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